
Aakar Patel

Aakar Patel is a writer and columnist. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by AAKAR PATEL

What's India Celebrating In Its Sanyasa?

What's India Celebrating In Its Sanyasa?

Rediff.com19 Aug 2022

One wonders what, given the recent past, the next quarter century holds in store for India, asks Aakar Patel.

How Will History See Today's Supreme Court?

How Will History See Today's Supreme Court?

Rediff.com15 Aug 2022

History would not see the institution kindly if it continues to avoid, as appears to be the case, hearing and deciding some of the most pressing issues of our time, asserts Aakar Patel.

Does Modi Govt Hate Human Rights Defenders?

Does Modi Govt Hate Human Rights Defenders?

Rediff.com22 Jul 2022

Our government shows a benign mask to the world behind which its fangs are bared against its own citizens, observes Aakar Patel.

Why Is Mohammed Zubair In Jail?

Why Is Mohammed Zubair In Jail?

Rediff.com4 Jul 2022

This is New India, where our heroes and heroines are vilified and jailed by a State intent on damaging its own people, asserts Aakar Patel.

Judges Must Stand Up For Citizens Against A Malign State

Judges Must Stand Up For Citizens Against A Malign State

Rediff.com1 Jul 2022

If the government and the political party controlling it want to destroy the homes of people without trial or conviction, where do those people go?, asks Aakar Patel.

Why Agnipath Protests Will Fizzle Out

Why Agnipath Protests Will Fizzle Out

Rediff.com23 Jun 2022

The thing is that unemployment and joblessness are a personally felt shame. It is not easy to mobilise a set of people who identify with others as a group that cannot get work, asserts Aakar Patel.

Nupur Sharma Controversy: Lessons For BJP

Nupur Sharma Controversy: Lessons For BJP

Rediff.com17 Jun 2022

To resist external pressure, it could use India's inherent assets and try and make democracy stronger by giving more space to human rights and minority rights, advises Aakar Patel.

Why Aryan Khan's Case Must Worry Us All

Why Aryan Khan's Case Must Worry Us All

Rediff.com9 Jun 2022

Why did the department and his colleagues not stop this 'rogue' officer from implicating an innocent man while the entire nation was watching for weeks? The answer is they either approved, or disapproved and refused to intervene or they didn't care, notes Aakar Patel.

Is It Time To Become A Hindu Rashtra?

Is It Time To Become A Hindu Rashtra?

Rediff.com25 May 2022

'If we were to change the name of our country officially and become a Hindu Rashtra, will the treatment of Muslims change?' asks Aakar Patel.

Why Ban Only Sedition Law?

Why Ban Only Sedition Law?

Rediff.com18 May 2022

There are laws that are as out of time and place today as the Rowlatt Act was a century ago, explains Aakar Patel.

Why Do We Need A Hindu Rashtra?

Why Do We Need A Hindu Rashtra?

Rediff.com2 May 2022

If we have already excluded Muslims from political office by default, and if we are already harassing them daily through laws, like Nazi Germany did and like Pakistan did, then why do we need a Hindu Rashtra or a change from the present set of laws? argues Aakar Patel.

Why India Can't Be A Modern, Civilised, Free Society

Why India Can't Be A Modern, Civilised, Free Society

Rediff.com15 Apr 2022

On such things as the meat ban and hijab ban, we are finding that elements that comprise the system are enthusiastic about denying people their rights. It says something awful about us as a society, asserts Aakar Patel.

Why Price Rise Is Not Important For Indians

Why Price Rise Is Not Important For Indians

Rediff.com8 Apr 2022

Today beef, tomorrow namaz, the third day Sunday mass the fourth day hijab, the fifth day halal, the sixth day love jihad will always be the issues on hand, asserts Aakar Patel.

Why Is Modi Not Transparent On China?

Why Is Modi Not Transparent On China?

Rediff.com30 Mar 2022

What is it that China seeks and why has the Ladakh border become and remained hot for two years and what is going on in Arunachal Pradesh?, asks Aakar Patel.

The Real Reason For The BJP Victory

The Real Reason For The BJP Victory

Rediff.com19 Mar 2022

'The burden of the BJP's song is not development and delivery.' 'It is communalism,' argues Aakar Patel.

What Do Indians Vote For?

What Do Indians Vote For?

Rediff.com9 Mar 2022

If 'development' and jobs and such things are less important to many than identity, then the BJP can dominate the discourse by stressing the largest marker of identity, which is religious nationalism, observes Aakar Patel.

Modi Has No Idea How To Deal With The World

Modi Has No Idea How To Deal With The World

Rediff.com27 Feb 2022

What is being exposed is we have no real doctrine and no idea how to deal with the world, asserts Aakar Patel.

India's Jobs Crisis

India's Jobs Crisis

Rediff.com25 Feb 2022

The number of Indians over 15 either working or looking for work is lower as a percentage than in the United States, China, Bangladesh or Pakistan, points out Aakar Patel.

Why Are These Children Being Bullied?

Why Are These Children Being Bullied?

Rediff.com18 Feb 2022

The best thing we can pray for is that the courts give a quick judgment in favour of Fundamental Rights so that the government can worry about other things than what it will not let young women wear, hopes Aakar Patel.

Can Akhilesh Stop BJP In UP?

Can Akhilesh Stop BJP In UP?

Rediff.com15 Feb 2022

The broad patterns tell us that to sweep UP, the BJP has to retain its voteshares of the past three elections. But to merely win it, the party can do so while losing some voteshare, and perhaps up to as much as 10 per cent, observes Aakar Patel.

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